Tuesday, August 23, 2011

i'm back

hello i'ts me again I've had a good year so far in 2011 my dad got the transplant so exciting cause god told me in December 2010 that my dad was going to get the transplant in janurary 2011. so in janurary my dad got the phone call and they said how fast could they get their and me and conner just run to our rooms to start packing to go and stay the night at a friends house so it all happend so fast we hurring so much that my parents didnt get to say good bye. ! so after that they were gone for 1 month we went and saw the 4 times so after that they came home and we had to go to stanford ever wensday then it turned into 1 month then in to 3 months so thats the biggest happening so far.

i can't thing of any thing else

Elizabeth, out

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It's me, my Mom is going crazy over the royal wedding! She has a princess di doll, she has the ring,she has a prince William and kate middleton plate and a cup, she has a party in a bag.She's watches royal wedding stuff every night. She's waking up at 4 am she asks me every night, '' are you waking up with me?'' I am not, but I am happy for her that she gets to watch it.

not waking up at 4am, Elizabeth.